After Meggie's death, I began to earnestly search for more spiritual substance in my life. I knew a wonderful massage therapist who openly shared her experiences and acknowledged her belief in the existence of angels. This led me to Doreen Virtue who explains, " The word angel means 'messenger'. Angels bring messages from the Divine Mind of our Creator." This was a concept I could accept.
I've had messages that were "hearing" a voice giving direction or by having opportunities present themselves at the appropriate time. My understanding of spirituality is the force is always present, but we are the ones who tune it out or ignore it. When we open up to it, let go of trying to control and manage it, and embrace it with love, a whole new world opens up to us.
I was studying these concepts before and during my trip to Washington and it helped me to accept whatever was to be on that trip. I also came back from Washington with the desire to live this type of faith all the time, not just when I was on a travel adventure.
I began studying spiritual literature that had been out during and since my original Spiritual Awakening (see my Spiritual History). Which I had never read because I stopped exploring. I never stopped believing, but I returned to my inner belief that I had to make it happen. I still acknowledged little miracles, but stopped believing in big Miracles.
I began by listening to a collection of CD's that my friend, Donna, offered me. The authors ranged from Marianne Williamson to Esther and Jerry Hicks. Then in October '07, the Hay House "I Can Do It" conference was coming to Tampa and another friend, Angie asked if I wanted to go. I didn't feel I had the money to spare, but I went out on a limb knowing my Dad would be giving me birthday money. What I thought Dad would give me would cover the conference. What he ended up giving me covered everything. (Miracle) It turned out Angie's Dad gave her a surprise gift of money which she used for the trip too! (Miracle)
It was a wonderful experience of being immersed in spiritual information. I got to see Marianne Williamson and Caroline Myss. Myss autographed the book, "Entering the Castle" that I had brought with me. "Entering the Castle" has been another opportunity to conduct a personal inventory of my relationship with my soul where the source of spirituality dwells.
This study helped to uncover more blocks to full embracing my spirituality and the fears that have kept me from living a miraculous life. Those who know me have witnessed the changes and commented on how much more relaxed and peaceful I appear to be.