As I watch the actions of President Obama, I see a man who is learning the Lesson of Humility.
He has sought the highest office of the land to utilize his skills as an organizer, but is repeatedly being stymied. The Democratic party finally has ultimate power, but they are facing road blocks. What is really going on here?
I see a man still enamored with his station in life who thinks his charisma or power will get him through any obstacle. He doesn't realize that there is a power at work here much greater than himself or any controlling party.
America was founded on freedom and this is the foundation that has set us apart from all other nations. It began with the Pilgrims seeking to establish a place where they could worship without persecution. Then the colonists fought the tyranny of England for the freedom of self rule.
As I have been given more responsibility in my life, I have had to examine my motivations and to change my thought process. I learned that moving to higher stations in life was not about power and control, but about humility and service.
Through suffering in my life I have built defenses in the form of my ego. These defenses were built in hopes of protecting me from more pain and suffering, but they have only caused more. It was only in examining and releasing my defenses that I have found peace and serenity.
The solution to the problems in Health Care must come from the people up not from the ruling party down. The people of the United States will put up with much, but their level of tolerance has reached it's limit.
The present political climate could be frightening except I know it will not ultimately succeed. We are a nation founded on freedom for ourselves and others. We can work through our problems and formulate viable, creative solutions to our challenges.
President Obama promised to bring about change and so he is, but I have a feeling he has hooked a whale and is in for the ride of his life. He may have a plan, but Spirit's plan always trumps mans. As the Yiddish proverb says, "Man plans, God laughs."