Many things have taken place and I have unpeeled even more layers in the onion of my life.
I have identified a multitude of stressors that plague my serenity. My focus this year is to reduce the clutter in my life, slow down and pay attention to my feelings.
I realize I can't do multiple things well, so I must concentrate on the most important things: 1) Monitoring myself, my emotions and how I treat myself and others. 2) My relationship with my partner and my father. 3) My life work of service to others in end of life settings. 4) Making time for relaxation and fun. While I have put these in an order they are all equally important. They consititute caring for myself and others.
I have devoted too much energy in my life trying to figure out how to market my talents. Like a dog chasing it's tail, I have ended up exhausted and unsatisfied with the results. I am listening to my inner self and stopped the pursuit only to find opportunities presenting themselves to me.
The power of Spirit is strong if we stop trying to force it and instead - Let it Be!