Saturday, June 2, 2012

Committed to the Cushion

I have continued in my practice of Mindfulness. Next, I will be exploring Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction with a local certified teacher. The focus is living in the moment? Simple - yes, easy - no, but it gets better with practice, insight and intention.

When I commit to sitting daily, then I experience discipline and order. I find myself being less reactive to what is going on around me. My life becomes calmer and focused. I am committed to sit daily - no matter what.

When I read, discuss and listen to others on this journey, then I uncover guidance and insight to improve my sitting experience. I find other people who are on the same journey and are having similar challenges. I reach out to others on a regular basis. I share my experiences.

When I remain present in the moment, I free up the mind to explore, to be curious, to accept whatever life situation exists. Then my mind can perceive it as it is, not as I would wish it to be. I practice staying present.

It isn't the amount of years, days or hours we meditate that makes meditation successful. It is what we put into it at every moment.

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